- CCA - Computational Convex Analysis toolbox description
- bb - Lower convex envelope/convex hull, Beneath-Beyond algorithm
- cca_fenchel - Generic Legendre Fenchel Transform (LFT)
- fusion - [Internal function] Merge 2 increasing sequences using classical programming; used to compute the Legendre-Fenchel conjugate.
- fusionsci - [Internal function] Merge 2 increasing sequences using scilab syntax; used to compute the Legendre-Fenchel conjugate.
- cca_ll - The Lasry-Lions double envelope approximation
- lft_direct - [For comparison only] Legendre-Fenchel conjugate, direct computation
- lft_direct2d - [For comparison only] 2D Legendre-Fenchel conjugate, direct computation
- lft_direct_d - [For comparison only] Legendre-Fenchel conjugate, direct computation on {1,...,n}
- lft_llt - Legendre-Fenchel conjugate, LLT algorithm
- lft_llt2d - 2D Legendre-Fenchel conjugate, LLT algorithm
- lft_llt_d - Legendre-Fenchel conjugate, LLT algorithm on {1,...,n}
- lft_plt - Parametric Legendre Transform, PLT algorithm
- me_brute2d - [For comparison only] 2D Moreau envelope, brute force computation
- me_direct - [For comparison only] Moreau envelope, direct computation
- me_direct2d - [For comparison only] 2D Moreau envelope, direct computation
- me_llt - Moreau envelope, LLT algorithm
- me_llt2d - 2D Moreau envelope, LLT algorithm
- me_nep - Moreau envelope for convex functions, NEP algorithm
- me_nep2d - 2D Moreau envelope for convex functions, NEP algorithm
- me_pe - Moreau envelope, PE algorithm
- me_pe2d - 2D Moreau envelope, PE algorithm
- me_plt - Parametric Moreau Envelope, PME algorithm
- cca_moreau - Generic Moreau envelope
- op_fitz - Evaluate the Fitzpatrick function of a given operator on a grid using the LLT2d algorithm.
- op_fitz_brute - [For comparison only] Evaluate the Fitzpatrick function of a given operator on a grid.
- op_fitz_direct - [For comparison only] Evaluate the Fitzpatrick function of a given operator on a grid.
- op_fitzinf - Evaluate the Fitzpatrick function of infinite order of an operator on a grid using Rockafellar functions.
- plq_add - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), addition of two plq functions
- plq_build - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), build a zeroth- or first-order function approximation
- plq_clean - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), clears duplicate rows
- plq_co - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), Convex hull
- plq_conv_on_interval - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), two-piece convexity on interval
- plq_eval - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), evaluate a plq function on a grid
- plq_fitzinf0 - Compute the PLQ Fitzpatrick function of infinite order of an operator on an (x,0) grid using Rockafellar functions.
- plq_fitzinf0_direct - [For comparison only] Compute the PLQ Fitzpatrick function of infinite order of an operator on an (x,0) grid using Rockafellar functions.
- plq_function - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq) function description
- plq_lft - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), Legendre-Fenchel conjugate
- plq_me - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), Moreau envelope
- plq_me_max_scale - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), Maximum scale for Moreau envelope
- plq_pa - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), convex proximal average via conjugates
- plq_pa_mu - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), nonconvex proximal average via Moreau envelopes
- plq_plot - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), plot function
- plq_plot2 - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), plot multiple functions
- plq_plotpa - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), plot convex proximal average
- plq_plotpa_lambdaSet - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), plot nonconvex proximal average over lambda
- plq_plotpa_muSet - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), plot nonconvex proximal average over the smoothing parameter mu
- plq_proj - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), projection of a (not necessarily convex) function on the set of plq (convex) functions
- plq_rock - Compute the PLQ Rockafellar function R(A,a(k)) of an operator A.
- plq_scalar - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), multiply a plq function by a scalar