Scilab Function
Last update : 02/08/2008

plq_plotpa - Piecewise linear quadratic (plq), plot convex proximal average

Calling Sequence

plq_plotpa(plqf1, plqf2, x, lset, rect)
plq_plotpa(plqf1, plqf2, x, lset, rect, isConvex)



For each lambda in lset, plots the proximal average of two PLQ functions over the provided x values. The rect argument bounds the plot's visible region and is required. All of the proximal averages are plotted on the same graph, and the colours of successive PA's fade from blue (lambda=0) to red (lambda=1) via jetcolormap.


plqf1 = [2,1,0,0;%inf,0,0,%inf];
plqf2 = [3,0,0,%inf;4,0,-1,4;%inf,0,1,-4];
x = linspace(-3, 7, 100)';
lset = 0:0.01:1;
rect = [-3,0,7,10];
plq_plotpa(plqf1, plqf2, x, lset, rect);
plot2d(x, [plq_eval(plqf1, x), plq_eval(plqf2, x)]);
a = gca();
a.children(1).children(1).thickness = 5;
a.children(1).children(2).thickness = 5;

See Also



Bryan Gardiner, University of British Columbia, BC, Canada