Here is a set of Python tutorials designed for the physics undergraduate. I am a Python novice. These tutorials are not intended to cover everything task that you might encounter. However, I hope to add scripts that cover many of the basic tasks that come up repeatedly.
The scripts were written using Anaconda toolkit. It is free and open source. You can download the Individual Edition from the Anaconda website. After the installation is complete, I recommend openning the 'Anaconda Powershell Prompt' and executing the command 'conda update --all' to update all of the packages before starting.
I wrote and executed my Python scripts using Spyder.
UBC students can write and run Python code in Jupyter Notebooks using UBC's Open Jupyter platform or Syzygy. You don't need to install any software, just log in using your CWL.
Note that the "Open in JupyterLab" links below will only work for those with UBC Campus-Wide Login (CWL) credentials.
A more "advanced" fubction
Jupyter Notebook modules/functions largest number checked for "primeness" all primes from 1 to ~1.317e9 (compressed) read me
If you're interested a function capable of numerically evaluating the inverse Laplace transform of complex functions F(s), take a look at the following GitHub repositroy containing the Python function
Convolution integrals
Jupyter Notebook
Open in JupyterLab