Python 3.7.9 (default, Aug 31 2020, 17:10:11) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]

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IPython 7.18.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

In [1]: runfile('G:/UBCO/2020-2021/Python/20200928/', wdir='G:/UBCO/2020-2021/Python/20200928')

The best-fit parameters are:

A = 0.7217437152596441

width = 68024.56300087317

w0 = 213256.0968196423

The errors in the parameters are:

ΔA = 0.0037048186479549886

Δwidth = 952.8034010325725

Δw0 = 377.8379936633329

The best-fit parameters are:

A ± ΔA = 0.7243152456809248 ± 0.0036479341138770313

width ± Δwidth = 66816.88081227308 ± 623.0614968262379

w0 ± Δw0 = 213875.00919865974 ± 310.60920671532733

In [2]: