# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Sep 28 14:12:11 2020

@author: jbobowsk

# This Python script is designed to show you how to export data to a file.
# First a very simple example.  We generate an x array with elements 1 to
# 10 in steps of 2.  We also calculate y2 and y3 values as x^2 and x^3,
# respectively.

import numpy as np 
x = np.arange(1, 10, 2)
y2 = x**2
y3 = x**3
print(x, y2, y3)

# Ultimately, I intend to export a matrix of data to my file.  The matrix
# is constructed as follows:
M1= np.matrix([x, y2, y3])

# The matrix above has x as the first row, y2 as the second row, and y3 as
# the third row.  I'd rather have x as the first column, y2 as the second
# column, and y3 as the third column.  This is achieved by transposing the
# matrix above.
M2 = np.transpose(M1)

# We will use 'np.savetxt()' to write the data to a file.  This line will write the
# data to a file in the same directory as the Python script (.py file).
# The file does not need to exist in order to execute this command.
# If the file doesn't exist, it will be created.  If the file does exist
# already, it will be overwritten.
np.savetxt('matrix data.txt', M2) 

# You can, of course, specify a different folder.  The line below will
# write the file to a folder called 'data folder' which is contained within
# the same folder as the python script.  This time 'data folder' must
# actually exist for the command to be executed properly.
np.savetxt('data folder/matrix data.txt', M2) 

# You can also specify a path that is independent of the loaction of the
# Python script.
np.savetxt('G:/UBCO/2020-2021/Python/20200928/data folder/matrix data.txt', M2) 

# Suppose that you now wanted to appenda row of data to the 'matrix data' file
# that we just created.   You can do this by openning the file in append mode
# i.e. using the 'a' option in 'open()' and the using 'np.savetxt()' again.  
# Note that the 'with' statement closes the file after indented lines of code
# have executed.
newRow = [[11, 11**2, 11**3]]
with open('matrix data.txt', 'a') as f:
    np.savetxt(f, newRow)
# Let's import the data file to verify that it has been written properly.
Data = np.loadtxt('matrix data.txt')