# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Sep 30 19:39:02 2020

@author: jbobowsk
# In this tutorial we will numerically evaluate inverse Laplace transforms
# using 'invertlaplace()' in the mpmath module.

# Inverse Laplace transforms are very useful  in electronics and are often
# used to calculate the transient response of circuits.  Typically, one
# calculates the response of the circuit in the "s = jw" or complex-frequency
# domain using methods that a familiar from steady-state circuit analysis.
# Then one takes the inverse Laplace transform to that result to deduce
# the circuit's transient response.  In this tutorial, we demonstrate the
# methode using two examples for which both the transient and s-domain 
# responses are already known.

# First import the modules that will be required.
import mpmath as mp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# This line sets the number of decimal points (dps) to be used in calculations.
# We will required mp.dps to be high in order to calculate precise transient 
# responses.
mp.dps = 350

# The main function that we will use is 'mp.invertlaplace()'.  To execute,
# it requires the s-domain function fs that is to be transformed into the
# time domain and a single time.  In order to extract the full transient
# response, we define a function that passes times from a list one by one.
# The degree option determines the of terms to be used in the approximate.
# The higher, the better the result and the longer the calculation takes.
# The 'if' statement is just used to print the progress of the calculation.
# By default, pnt = True and the progress will be printed in increments of
# 10%.
def trans_response(tt, fs, deg, pnt = True):
    trans = []
    cnt = 0
    for t in tt:    
        if len(trans) % int(pts/10) == 0 and pnt == True:
            print(cnt*10,'%', sep = '')
            cnt += 1
        trans += [mp.invertlaplace(fs, t, method = 'dehoog', degree = deg)]
    return trans

# In the first example, the we will take the inverse Laplace transform of
# e^(-c*s)/s which should result in a step at t = c.
Vg = 2
c = 0.5e-6
fs = lambda s: Vg*mp.exp(-c*s)/s

# We use a 'with' statement to temporarily reduce the dps for the first 
# example within the indented block of code.
with mp.workdps(20):
    # Here, we call the fucntion that we defined above and then plot the result.
    from datetime import datetime
    pts = 100
    tt = np.linspace(1e-10, 1e-6, pts)
    plt.plot(tt, trans_response(tt, fs, 20), 'k.', markersize = 2)

# This next example is the transient response of a coaxial cable to a 
# voltage step.  The centre conductors of the coax at one end is connected
# to a resistor of resistance Rg and the voltage step of size Vg is applied to
# the opposite end of the Rg.  The free end of the coaxial cable is left open.
# The coaxial cable has a characteristic impedance of Z0 = 50 ohms and a 
# length of 8 meters.
Vg = 1 # volt
ell = 8 # meters
v0 = 3e8/np.sqrt(2.1) # m/s
Rg = 1e3 # ohms
Z0 = 50 # ohms

# This is the s-domain response of the coax. 
fs = lambda s: (Vg/s)*mp.coth(s*ell/v0)/(Rg/Z0 + mp.coth(s*ell/v0))

# Here, we call our function with high 'dps' and 'degree' values and then
# plot the calculated transient response.  We expect to get a 'staircase'
# response with the size of the steps decreasing as time evolves.  This block
# of code took about 22 minutes to execute on my laptop.
from datetime import datetime
pts = 500
tt = np.linspace(1e-10, 1e-6, pts)
plt.plot(tt, trans_response(tt, fs, 150), 'k.', markersize = 2)