I am currently supervising these amazing students on various projects:

M.Sc. Students

Victor Okpanachi
Parinda Rahman
Iyanu Sowande
Linda Okpanachi
Yiqi Xu

Undergraduate Research Assistants

I am always actively looking for brilliant student volunteers, undergrad research students, and graduate students.

Student volunteers will work with me or my graduate students to develop their research, data analysis and software development skills. Volunteers will also have the opportunity of working on research papers for publication. Volunteers will have access to the lab's pool of resources including software, data, and mentors.

Undergraduate students employed as research assistants will be assigned specific tasks and will be required to work certain hours a week based on the conditions of their employment.

Graduate students looking to join the lab should send me an email including a copy of their recent research publication and their transcript. If you don't have a research publication, include in your cover letter your specific research interests and how it overlaps with the research carried out in the lab.