COSC 404 Database System Implementation

Spring (Winter Term 2) 2023 - University of British Columbia Okanagan


COSC 404 provides an overview of how database systems are built including topics such as query processing, transactions, concurrency, and reliability. Although the course provides foundational material for students that will engage in database research, it is also designed to provide practical knowledge and programming experience on a wide-variety of database systems (SQL and NoSQL) that is useful to all developers and computer scientists.

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Student Performance

Of the 111 registered students who started the course, 101 received a C- or above. The course average was 80%.

Mark Breakdown Percentage Mark Breakdown


The COSC 404 course (student feedback rating: 4.9 (97% favourable)) had high student engagement and satisfaction. Its practical labs are valuable to non-database researchers and use many different database systems (Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Snowflake) allowing students to appreciate the differences in architectures and design decisions covered in detail in the lectures as well as gaining experience on many industrial systems. COSC 404 has difficulty similar to Stanford/MIT and is more demanding than UBC Vancouver. This offering featured all online and open book exams (Canvas quizzes) and more programming opportunities. Most exam questions were auto-marked. There were no scheduled labs. Students were supported with virtual office hours and help sessions that the students greatly preferred. The new HelpMe system was deployed to support virtual office hours. Homework assignments were replaced with practice Canvas quizzes. Digital badges were used to recognize students with high achievement on exams. The class time was a challenge with class at 8 a.m.

Strengths of the Course

Weakness of the Course

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