In this OPTIONAL, BONUS lab, you will get a chance to earn bonus marks for being creative with HTML and JavaScript.
IMPORTANT: This lab is optional. If you do not have time to do the lab, then you are not penalized for not doing it. However, if you have time, I encourage you to use your new HTML/JavaScript skills to get bonus marks, and at the same time, have fun practicing your programming which will help you on the final exam.
For this lab assignment, submit using Connect your own personal page. The page can be about any topic you want. Although you can look at other web sites for ideas, do not borrow HTML/JavaScript code from other sites. Submit the web page and all associated image files in a single zip file. Your web page must have at minimum these components:
In addition to the basic marks, there will be up to 10 bonus marks awarded for the best web page (voted on by the TAs and professor). The best page gets +10 marks, 2nd best +9 marks, 3rd best +8 marks, 4th best +7 marks, ... and the 10th best +1 mark. Your web page will be evaluated on presentation/quality, but also on difficulty, especially with regard to JavaScript code.