% Jake Bobowski % July 27, 2017 % Created using MATLAB R2014a % This tutorial will introduce simple implementations of conditional if % statements in MATLAB. clearvars % Here's a simple if statement. ans = 'y'; if ans == 'y' 'yes' end; % In the example above, ans was set equal to 'y' and the if condition was % true such that 'yes' was printed. In the example below, ans is not equal % to 'y' and the if condition is false. As a result, no output is printed. ans = 'n'; if ans == 'y' 'yes' end; % We can enhance the capability of our if statement by adding an else % statement. Anytime the if condition is false, the else statement will % execute. % True, so 'yes' output. ans = 'y'; if ans == 'y' 'yes' else 'no' end; % False, so 'no' output. ans = 'n'; if ans == 'y' 'yes' else 'no' end; % False, so 'no' output. ans = 'x'; if ans == 'y' 'yes' else 'no' end; % In the above if statement the only "y" produces a "yes", any other entry % results in "no". Suppose that you only want to accept "y" and "n" as % valid responses. Including an elseif condtion as done below produces % the desired results. % If condition true, so output 'yes'. ans = 'y'; if ans == 'y' 'yes' elseif ans == 'n' 'no' else 'invalid response' end; % Elseif condition true, so output 'no'. ans = 'n'; if ans == 'y' 'yes' elseif ans == 'n' 'no' else 'invalid response' end; % If and elseif conditions false, so output 'invalid response'. ans = 'x'; if ans == 'y' 'yes' elseif ans == 'n' 'no' else 'invalid response' end;
ans = yes ans = yes ans = no ans = no ans = yes ans = no ans = invalid response