COSC 419: Learning Analytics

A4: Project Proposal and Bayes Net Exercise [28 pts]

Due date: Mar 08, 2020, 11:59pm

What to submit:

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Specific Instructions for Exercise 1: Project Proposal [8 pts]

Provide a short proposal of what you want to do for the individual course project. Specifically:

  1. You may pick from one of the project suggestions (see bottom of this page) or think of something on your own. To ensure your topic makes sense, fill in the details as requested below.
  2. If you pick from a suggested topic:
  3. If you pick your own topic:
  4. If you are unsure about any of the details, contact the instructor well in advance to discuss.
Grading Criteria

Specific Instructions for Exercise 2: Learning Bayes Net Parameters [20 pts]

In A1, you ran a couple of Java programs and generated some data. Here, we are going to use that data to create a simple Bayes net that is commonly used in intelligent tutoring systems. The idea of an intelligent tutoring system is that an individual user works on some practice questions (in this case, math questions), and the system observes how the user is doing, and potentially suggests hints to help the user get the right answer if the system believes the user needs help.

We have created a simple model for such a system. In this model, we have a variable to model question difficulty being easy or hard (Difficulty = {easy, hard}), which will influence whether the user gets the answer right or wrong (Accuracy) and the time it takes to answer the question (Task Time). Both Accuracy and TaskTime influence whether you need someone to help you (Need Help). In our example here with an intelligent tutoring system, providing help to the user means displaying a hint. We can estimate how much help a user needs based on the time that a hint stays on the screen (Display Time). If the user needs help and a hint is displayed, then the user will spend a "reasonable amount of time" reading the hint. If the hint is given but the user didn't actually need help, the the time spent is much less or much more than what we would normally expect. (Less, because the hint is up and the user just closes it without reading; More, because the hint is up and the user is ignoring it altogether.) The graphical model is drawn in the diagram below.

To make things more consistent, I am defining the remaining random variables Accuracy, TaskTime, NeedHelp, and DisplayTime with the following values:

At this point, you can now define the structure of the Bayes net in Matlab using the BNT package. You may want to do this now and check the structure before moving on. You can do this by viewing bnet.dag where bnet is the Bayes net you defined, then manually inspect the array elements to make sure the only elements with 1 is where there is a parent to child relation.

Remember that a Bayes net also has a quantitative component which are the CPTs. Define the CPT for Pr(Difficulty) with a uniform prior distribution. Next, you will define the CPTs for Pr(Accuracy|Difficulty) and Pr(TaskTime|Difficulty) using data collected from A1 (download all-hard.txt and all-easy.txt) to figure out the average accuracy rate and the average task time for each of the easy and hard conditions. These times are in nanoseconds so you'll want to convert them back to seconds. (The average times I got are 6.3859 secs with 96% accuracy for the easy condition, and 30.0690 secs with 89% accuracy for the hard condition.) For Accuracy, just use the average accuracy to define Pr(Accuracy=right|Difficulty). For TaskTime, compute the frequency when TaskTime is below the average, then use that percentage to define Pr(TaskTime=slow|Difficulty). Using the data, when Difficulty is easy, I got 37% of the times that TaskTime is slow. You can do the same calculation for the other condition when Difficulty is hard.

After you entered the Bayes net into Matlab, you may want to use the command "get_field( bnet.CPD{Acc}, 'cpt' )" to display the probabilities that got input into your model (with variable name bnet) at the index Acc (which I defined to be 2 as the second variable representing Accuracy).

As we don't have data involving NeedHelp, the last step in creating the model is to handcraft Pr(NeedHelp|Accuracy,TaskTime) and Pr(DisplayTime|NeedHelp) with reasonable parameters and explain in English the rationale you used to define these parameters.

Although we don't have data for DisplayTime, we have some idea of how long people take to read. Download all-read.txt to figure out the average time it takes for someone to read a word. (I got 0.2772 sec per word using the data.) Assuming a hint is about 25 words, come up with the average reading time you would expect for reading a hint. Using that average, define the range below it that would indicate the person is reading too fast (so perhaps just closing the hint without reading it) or that the person is taking too long to read it (so perhaps the hint is just ignored). Use these bounds to define DisplayTime. Make sure you state clearly what bounds you use in your definition because you will need this for the query below.

Once you have encoded the above network: Let's say the system put up a hint and we observe that the DisplayTime for that hint was 10 seconds. Now, what is Pr(NeedHelp=true|DisplayTime=long) = ? In my model, 10 seconds corresponds to a value that is too long for an average person to spend reading a hint. Figure out what 10 seconds means in your model based on your variable definition and adjust your query accordingly.

Grading Criteria

Note: You may have just one Matlab file with all your code in it, rather than separate Matlab scripts.


Project Suggestions

  1. Implement the junction tree inference algorithm according to the steps defined in ``Inference in Belief Networks: A Procedural Guide'' (Huang and Darwiche, 1996). Test it out on a sample Bayes net. Note that this option is quite involved so building the secondary structure successfully will get you an A- in the project. Getting the propagation part working correctly will get you more marks. Also: don't use a language that has types (e.g. Java), it will cause you a lot of pain with the potentials.
    [Group of 2 version:] The above steps and completing the propagation part.
  2. [Group of 2] Implement a simple version of GPLAG that automatically creates a dependency graph given an input source code. Test your code appropriately and show clearly that it works. For each pair of input source code, and compute the distance between their corresponding graphs. Show your results for the following test cases and provide the associated Java code: (i) when 2 programs are obviously different, (ii) when 2 programs are obviously similar/plagiarized from each other, (iii) when it's unclear (by human eye) whether 2 programs are similar but their dependencies show that they actually are similar, and (iv) when it's unclear (in any way) whether 2 programs are similar.
  3. Use an API (such as LinkedIn) for learning skill sets from users and job postings. Narrow your focus to specific types of users (e.g., ages 20-25 and job postings in one geography). Do simple data analyses to visualize user skills (e.g., most common) and skills needed in job postings (e.g., most sought after skills). [Group of 2 version:] Identify users who are similar to each other and jobs that are similar to each other. Finally, conduct a simple analysis between the two sets of skills to identify whether users have the skills required by today's jobs. (Be sure to clearly explain your analysis methods, why you chose those methods, and the results you found.)
  4. Explore a social media API of your choice to gather actual data from specific user accounts to interpret learning information (e.g. identify topics students have trouble with, identify the major complaint topics, identify major and positive contributers to discussions, identify types of contributions made in discussions). Create a visual dashboard for an administrator to see these analyses.