Mini Presentation [10 pts]

Live demo and short presentation

The purpose of this milestone is for you to give an overview of what you have so far and get peer feedback. It will also help you see what others are doing so you can get ideas for your own project as well.
There are two aspects to this mini presentation: your presentation and providing feedback for other teams (on both days). Most of the marks from this component are team marks, but two of them are individual marks.

Evaluation Rubric

Total marks possible: 10 points.

Some of the feedback was relevant. The feedback is superficial, inconsistent, or rude. Alternatively, the evaluations were missing altogether.
Criteria Meets/Exceeds Expectations
Below Expectations
No Submission
Does the overview clearly demonstrate the project specific goals and where the team is currently at?
[3 pts] A clear and concise description of the specific choices for the team's project. The test report shows the status of the implementation. A clear explanation of the teamwork strategy used so far, possibly how they resolved past problems that came up. Identification of potential obstacles in the upcoming milestones. [1 pt] The required topics were touched on but the explanations were not always clear or some information is missing. [0 pt] Not provided, or a lot of information is missing.
Did everyone take part in the presentation?
[1 pt] Everyone took part, and their parts were roughly evenly distributed. [0 pt] Everyone took part but mostly one person said everything. Or not everyone took part. [0 pt] A presentation was not given as scheduled.
Live Demo
Was a successful live demo delivered?
[3 pts] The live demo was smooth and showed clearly the current state of the prototype. All the implementation was working as expected. [1 pt] A demo was given but it was not live. The demo had issues that made the presentation unclear or wasted a lot of time due to setup or things not working. Could not finish showing all the prototype. [0 pt] Not provided, or a lot of information is missing.
Was the team able to answer questions reasonably well?
[1 pt] Questions were answered honestly and intelligently. [0 pt] Members were not able to answer the questions posed, or the answers seemed inconsistent with what was presented. [0 pt] The presentation ran overtime and we could not have a Q&A portion for this presentation.
Team Evaluations
Did the student complete the required number of evaluations for other teams?
[2 pts] All the required number of evaluations were submitted on time. The feedback shows curiosity or provides constructive feedback. [1 pt] Half or more of the required number of evaluations were submitted on time. [0 pt] Fewer than half of the required number of evaluations were submitted on time.